Twin Flames Psychic


Twin Flamer Runners & Chasers
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Why is My Twin Flame Running?

Posted by Twin Flames Psychic

Why Do Twin Flames Run Away?

Most twin flame (and even some soulmate relationships) may come with a great deal of complexity, due to their very nature. These types of relationships are supposed to help us open up our heart chakras, inner wounds & conflicts, and make us face these issues head on.

In other words, they can strip us down to the bare minimum in order to free up energy to be able to love fully, freely and without fear. These soul partners are intended to be our true healers and spiritual guides on this earthly plane, and they are meant to help us go into the next stage in our ascension and self-growth.

Some twin flames, unfortunately, are not ready for this kind of responsibility and challenge. If you or your partner are not emotionally, spiritually or physically prepared for this kind of intense connection, you might become "runners & chasers" with each other.

Twin Flame Chaser Definition: having the unyielding desire to pursue a relationship with your partner, even though they are pushing you away and heading in the opposite direction. You still have a lot of love and care for them and wish to heal and strengthen the connection.

Twin Flame Runner Definition: unable to face personal fears or doubts stemming from past personal traumas, karmic debts, dark energy, 3rd party interference, and/or negative soul ties from previous bad relationships. Thus, becoming closed off and afraid of strong energy or feelings from their twin flame.

Twin Flame Blocked me on Social Media

Twin Flame Runner

In this connection, each of the mates are challenged to address both of their individual shortcomings and problems. And once they come together in true reunion, they'll learn to work as a unit to flow in greater love and understanding. This is the true purpose of a twin flame relationship.

However, there is a common theme among most runners: they're dealing with issues of feeling worthlessness, mistrusting of others and themselves, not letting go of the past, afraid to take-on their inner demons or traumas, and in some cases, battling negative addictions. It's not that the runner doesn't feel the same kind of intensity of love for their partners. In their thoughts, they believe they're not 'ready' or don't have what it takes to be a viable and stable partner for their mate.

Their twin flame lover is simply not the reason why they're running away. In all actuality, most runners have safely placed their twin flames way up on the 'untouchable' pedestal. Runners do this because it feels less of a risk to them to put that person at a distance ('we shouldn't get too close, or we'll both burn' mentality).

The twin flame runner is truly a broken soul with much inner pain, negative thought patterns and unresolved trauma that can be quite difficult for them to overcome alone. Twin Flame Healing may be the only way to help bring a runner back from these toxic cycles, and on to the path of reunion and restoration.

To find out more about twin flame & soulmate relationships, please contact to book your private love reading. Call, Text or WhatsApp: +1-213-304-3674 to Schedule an Appointment

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