Twin Flames Psychic


Site Disclaimer & Terms of Use

Please read through this entire page before contacting Psychic Brianna Wells of Twin Flames Psychic!

Legal & Liability

By using this site or contacting Brianna Wells of Twin Flames Psychic  & Associates, you accept these terms and conditions. You must be eighteen years of age or older to use any services. is a service that provides personal love coaching, spiritual consulting and holistic healing to individuals and groups. The client is aware that love coaching and spiritual healing is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling, financial or legal advice, medical care or any other type of certified therapy. 

All services that are provided by Psychic Brianna Wells, Twin Flames Psychic & Associates are for educational and spiritual purposes only and are part of the owner's right to practice their religious beliefs, customs and traditions. Our products, services, spiritual advice and guidance are based upon a variety of ancient religious spiritual and astrological practices. The religious practices include pre-Christian, Christian, Egyptian, Heka/Hhekau, Judaism, Kabbalah, Hinduism, Buddhism, Native American Traditions, Indian, Near East/Far East and other religious practices. Your rights to use these products, services, spiritual advisories and guidance are protected under the religious freedom act of 1998 and the International FREEDOM (H R 2431).

Whilst we will at all times exercise our best professional efforts, skills and care of ensuring our client is guided to meet their life & love coaching goals, the client understands and acknowledges the coaches/advisors will not be liable, legally or otherwise, for the actions the client may or may not undertake as a result of any sessions or services. The client takes full responsibility in the decisions they make after being consulted, as well as the consequences. The client enters into coaching, energy healing  & spiritual consulting with full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results, and there or no guarantees with any service provided. Your results may vary.

By accessing information or any services from this website, each user waives and releases Psychic Brianna Wells, & Associates to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of the material or services made available through this website. In no event shall Brianna Wells, & Associates be liable for any incident or consequential damages resulting from use of the materials or services. 

You agree that any use you make of these services is at your own risk and that Brianna Wells, & Associates is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from your reliance on such services. You also understand and expressly agree that Brianna Wells, & Associates is not responsible for any reply or information that you do or do not receive. It is your responsibility to evaluate any information, opinion, advice or services available by us. The accuracy, success or reliability of any advice or services given by Brianna Wells, &  Associates may vary for each individual.

Refund Policy

The site and the services provided are provided "as is" with no warranty, guarantees or refunds. Any services or products purchased from us will NOT BE REFUNDED under any circumstances. ALL SALES WILL BE FINAL & NON-REFUNDABLE. expressly disclaims any warranty, regarding the site and all services, including any implied warranty of merchant fitness for a particular purpose or for failure of performance. shall not be responsible for the quality of information or the authentication of the services or details given by an expert on the site.

Client Sessions & Appointments

Once you've become a client, Brianna Wells & Associates will set appointments for you to speak, pray, discuss the progress of your case, or answer any questions you may have. Scheduled sessions with Brianna Wells are part of your healing/consulting program, and not an additional fee. However, if a client wants to have an emergency session with Brianna Wells that is before or after their scheduled session, there will be a $175.00 fee per session incurred. This session fee is applied to either sessions by phone, online or in-person.

Client Termination Agreement

We have the rights to refuse or cancel service with a client at anytime for any reason we deem necessary before, during or after a client has acquired our services. We will cancel a client's service for the following reasons but not limited to: inappropriate behavior made by client such as: harassment, cursing or abusive/harsh language, being non-cooperative, threatening, demanding, stalking, disturbing Brianna Wells & Associates, not providing payment for services rendered or for payment arrangement agreement, being rude and aggressive towards Brianna Wells (Twin Flames Psychic) and Associates, not following through with program instructions, lack of faith or trust in Brianna Wells' Advice or Counsel, or just being very hard to work with in any fashion, etc. If a decision has been made to cancel or refuse you service, we WILL NOT provide you with a refund. This policy is non-negotiable, and once your service is cancelled, you are banned from requesting any services from us again in the future. All decisions to cancel or refuse a client service will be final and cannot be disputed. If this is a policy you feel you cannot accept or comply with, DO NOT PARTICPATE IN OUR SERVICES.

Slander, Defamation & Legal Responsibility

If a client/competitor chooses to write negative comments, defame, slander, make fake reports, accusations, or exaggerated claims about our company, services and employees, suppliers, and/or vendors at, or threaten legal action, they will be held legally responsible to be sued in a court of law for defamation, slander, and reputation damage in which they will be responsible for all legal fees and fines therein.

We try and to work out any grievances and customer service issues with all clients. We expect all clients to have read and accept our terms of use that is cited on this page before contacting us or acquiring our services. When a client chooses to contact Brianna Wells (Twin Flames Psychic) & Associates and pay for services, they are in AUTOMATIC & LEGAL agreement to our terms of use. We can also change and alter our terms of use and policies at anytime without a client's prior or further knowledge or notification. It is the client's responsibility to make sure that they read this page and keep up-to-date with these policies.

However, there are some of those clients that wish not to cooperate with our terms of use, and we will terminate their case with no refunds provided. If a client chooses to retaliate, or decides to write or report negative comments or reviews about us online, in the media, to legal authorities, online forums, review sites, or anywhere for that matter, we will track down and sue such client accordingly for any and all reputation damage and slander. 


© Copyright 2024. All product lines, content, concepts, designs, product titles, product creations, formulary, copy, artwork, product names, photographs and all material contained within the website and the office location are the sole creation of Brianna Wells (Twin Flames Psychic)) and/or it’s exclusive suppliers and federally trademarked with nationally registered copyrights – all on file. Anyone who reproduces our products, product names & purposes, written copy, images, content, artwork, designs, photographs or any of the material contained within the website or office location without express written consent from will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law both domestically and internationally.

Privacy Policy

Information that you provide to Brianna Wells, & Associates is held under the strictest of confidentiality. No information will be released to anyone without your permission. Your contact information WILL NOT be sold or shared to any third party sources for solicitation or otherwise. Be advised that all calls, e-mails and any form of communication that is made to Brianna Wells, & Associates may be recorded and monitored for quality assurance purposes and kept on file as reference in our archives.

DISCLAIMER: Must be 18 years or older. Results & accuracy may vary by individual. Spiritual healing & consulting is NOT a valid substitute for therapy, counseling, medical, legal help or advice, etc. Use these services at your own risk, as we're not responsible for any of your actions or decisions. This site, content and all services are intended for informational purposes only. NO REFUNDSAll sales final.

Full Disclaimer & Terms of Use